Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I love spring!! Yes I do complain that there's no real spring in Canada, and that it's so ugly with the dead grass and absence of leaves on the tree, but I do very much appreciate the greater quantities of light that we've been receiving these last few weeks.  Everyone knows that in the dead of winter here people get depressed from the lack of light, and it's crazy to see how measurable the change is when sunshine starts coming back.

It's still cold out, but somehow everything is different when you realize it's 6.30 pm and the room is still bright.  It's like even if I should be really stressed, I just can't stress with this beautiful sunshine.

I can't wait for summer.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I don't write often and I don't write about much. I know, I know. I think I'm the only one that reads this blog anyway so I just write things to entertain myself. But I know it's a vicious cycle, I don't write anything, there's no reason for anyone to read it, so I don't write anything, etc.

Of course, if I did anything of interest it would make more sense for me to write.


I just wanted to make clear that the title of my blog is NOT Vanessa Carlton-inspired.  I don't think she uses this exact phrase, but when it came time to pick a name, I just opened a book I was reading (Daniel Deronda, oh yes) and picked the first adequate phrase I saw. So there you have it.

I kinda want to recap my week, because it was a good one.  First I went out with Anna and Ben (Banna as they will soon be known, thanks to Sumeep) for St. Pattie's, at the Victory CafĂ©.  Always a good time with them, which was to be repeated later in the week at Friday night dinner and tax-filing time!  Nothing like pasta, fruit salad and the promise of cold hard cash to make for an enjoyable night. 

On Thursday I got to kick someone's ass at Rockband, both on the drums and guitar, before proceeding to (the?) Tranzac to drink red wine and scare away scuzzies... and oh yeah, watch Brenda's brother play the bass.  

Then Saturday it was nice to hang around the conference for a bit, before pizza and Taboo at Ryan and T(h)eresa's.  And NO I haven't dug myself out of the dark pit made up of my academic duties, but look at me! I'm in the library on a Sunday, listening to the guy in the carrel behind me snoring! 

Number of people in the reading room at Pratt - 17. Of that, number of Asians - 11. Not bad, not bad. People are friggin' dedicated.

I'm annoyed at three things, however: 

1. two of my favourite t-shirts have gone MIA, and as we all know, I pretty much own(ed) three t-shirts.  So I've been wearing the third all week, and will continue to do so until my new shipment from Threadless arrives. (Spring sale still on!)

2. the lack of internet service in my house. The network disappeared ya hace rato, but I survived on free networks, which have now also become unavailable to me.

3. that my card and/or the secret basement door refuses to let me into the basement to get to the Cueva. As a result, I am left without snacks and a comfy couch to read on.

So in case you're waiting for an update on my future, I don't have one. I still haven't looked for a job for the summer, and I don't know where I'm going to be next year. Yes, I would like to travel this summer, but I don't know when would be a good time to do it if I'm supposed to be working.  What the hell, maybe I'll just take the whole summer off and join Anna and Ben in Germany before skipping off to the Middle East.  No worries, right? As Sumeep would say, "yeeeeahhhhhhh."

Friday, March 6, 2009

lo que yo no entiendo

you can't hold it too tight
these matters of security
you don't have to be wound so tight, smoking on the balcony
but it's that sleaze in the park
you women, you have no self-control
the angels remark outside
you were known for insatiable needs
i don't know a thing

i've seen love, and i've followed the speeding of starlight
i've seen love, and i've followed the speeding of starswept night

yeah pace is the trick