The first instance was in New York on the subway, where some older black guy starting yelling at this white girl for no apparent reason; seems he thought she was looking at him funny. But like I said, he was crazy, and other passengers told her that after he got off. The second time was when I got off the bus the other day at the subway station, and as is the case many mornings, there's a veritable crowd of people waiting to get on the bus. I bet if I jumped out and got the right angle, I could crowdsurf my way to the doors. But anyway. I was just heading into the station when I heard a man at the other end of the bus yell "Get out of my way, ya stupid nigger!" ..... So, I'm innocent and all, but that's honestly the first time I've ever heard someone get called the n-word. As for the reaction, everyone turned their heads, but what're you gonna do? I just wonder if I was there, if I'd have the nerve to say something - not to the crazy guy, but to whoever was on the receiving end. I wonder if people would assume (I probably would) that it's understood that the guy was crazy, we don't agree with his exclamation, and he doesn't even merit being rebuked. But I can't imagine how it would feel to be randomly yelled at just because you're black, even if the guy was crazy. I'm sure some solidarity would be appreciated. If it weren't wrong, I wish somebody had punched that crazy guy in the face. Or at least tripped him a little. Anyway, I hope someone said something to whoever had to hear that spit at them.
I know this post is long for being about crazy people, my apologies. But I am always curious to know what it is the people who talk to themselves talk about; I always found it interesting that even if someone's brain seems not to work correctly, they're still able to speak/swear fluently. Oh, language. And now racism? Where does that come from? If my brain broke down in whatever way that guy's did, would I start yelling racial slurs and swearing like crazy?
... Please never let me end up on the street.
1 comment:
(i'm sooo sleepy and maybe i didn't understand the point of the story, but..)
Sometimes black people think that they have a right to yellow cause they're black. It's stupid like a joke : i hate racism and black people.
BTW, what are you doing in NY?
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