Monday, April 13, 2009


Ok, so really now... why must God taunt us?  Snow at the beginning of April was exaggerated enough, but must we maintain 5 degree weather? My hands are starting to suffer! They're tired of being dry! I thought I'd be able to stop wearing a third layer, but nope! And Georgia is still suffering through the tempests out there in the backyard, while I neglect her and use my Metropass! 

I did go for an absolutely lovely run on Friday, however - that's maybe the most frustrating thing. I love running outside and I was finally able to do so, and then of course come back and spend some time on Map My Run (combining running AND maps!), but the goddamn cold is now back to thwarting my life.

Classes are over, which is awesome (and not awesome). Last class with Rupp was classic - or was it? I don't know, but our photo session à la grad student (Rupp included) and debriefing session brought sunshine into my life once more.

Here's to finishing the year without suicide! Hoo-Rah! 

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