Tuesday, November 17, 2009

of fibre and sugar

I have to comment a few things that are truly amazing. First off is being able to run along the Paseo Nuevo at night. It's so quiet, but so beautiful: no one around except for the odd straggler or fisherman; the breeze; the ocean at your side; the white beam of the lighthouse from the other side of the bay.

Another is just how truly gorgeous San Sebastian is. Every day I'm astonished again at how really beautiful it is, and every time it happens there's the realization that I barely ever take the time to really look. Especially at night: there's a striking church just across the street from me, but because I always walk right beside it, I never look up at it. But whenever I stretch in the plaza in front of it, I get to admire it. Another great view is available coming down from the gym where we climb; we walk down a hill looking over the bay, and at night it's absolutely stunning. Nighttime is just a great time to take a look around. The streets are empty, and there's no feeling of having to be somewhere stealing your time.

Thirdly, the greatness that makes up those All-Bran fibre stick things. You know, the extra fibre you put on top of your cereal or in your yogourt or whatever. When I first got here I bought some health-food-store replacement for it, and I was blown away by All-Bran when I got it again. Sooooo delicious. (You guys must think I'm a weirdo.)

Finally, how friggin' tasty those Reese's peanut butter cups are! You better believe that when Will's Halloween candy came, those were the first to go.

Uhhh... yes, the candy arrived today. And yes, all the peanut butter cups are gone. Get over it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

hair day

I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is I got my hair cut. The bad news is, I got my hair cut.

I finally gave in to the scratchy pleas of my hair and went for a haircut today. The good thing about Spain is that there are hair salons absolutely EVERYWHERE. The bad thing is that they are mostly high-class affairs - I have not seen Topcuts or anything resembling in all my scouting operations. This is why I never get my hair cut - I either don't know where to go, don't want to pay, or both. And then every time I go, the haircutter looks at me like I've been living in a cave, and lops off about half of it. If I could just find a decent place here!!!

Anyway, so I got a bunch chopped off today, too. I can't grow long hair to save my life, it seems. (I think the trick is to go frequently just for a trim. But I don't think they have such a thing as a special "trim" price, those schemers!) And so back to the good news/bad news thing. The bad news is, without my noticing, the stylist managed to turn my two layers into about fifteen, a.k.a. the Spanish Hair Cut. Oh yes! I am rocking that shaggy 'do. (Don't worry though, no mullet.) The good news is... it actually looks fierce (as Tyra Banks would say)! (I admit it, I've gone through five seasons of ANTM in the not-quite two months I've been here.) So although I'm back a couple steps, I'm pretty down with it. Yay! Hair.

Friday, November 13, 2009

y'a un... um...

Anyone ever hear that song, "Y'a une fille qu'habite chez moi"? Well, that's how I feel now that Sergio has moved in. It's like wow... I've never seen our kitchen so clean. Everything is organized and neatly put in place, the dishes are done, the table is cleared off... I go into the bathroom and there's a clean hand towel hanging beside the sink; the toilet paper has disappeared off the tank and is on the holder. I don't know what to think! I'm grateful, but I wonder, does this mean I have to start cleaning more?

........ I guess that wouldn't be such a bad thing... tee-hee.