I finally gave in to the scratchy pleas of my hair and went for a haircut today. The good thing about Spain is that there are hair salons absolutely EVERYWHERE. The bad thing is that they are mostly high-class affairs - I have not seen Topcuts or anything resembling in all my scouting operations. This is why I never get my hair cut - I either don't know where to go, don't want to pay, or both. And then every time I go, the haircutter looks at me like I've been living in a cave, and lops off about half of it. If I could just find a decent place here!!!
Anyway, so I got a bunch chopped off today, too. I can't grow long hair to save my life, it seems. (I think the trick is to go frequently just for a trim. But I don't think they have such a thing as a special "trim" price, those schemers!) And so back to the good news/bad news thing. The bad news is, without my noticing, the stylist managed to turn my two layers into about fifteen, a.k.a. the Spanish Hair Cut. Oh yes! I am rocking that shaggy 'do. (Don't worry though, no mullet.) The good news is... it actually looks fierce (as Tyra Banks would say)! (I admit it, I've gone through five seasons of ANTM in the not-quite two months I've been here.) So although I'm back a couple steps, I'm pretty down with it. Yay! Hair.
Your hair looks absolutely gorgeous Joosse :)...The good news is, you got your hair cut. The bad news is...
...nothing. ;)
Me likey, roomie.
haha... thanks joce! :P
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