Tuesday, May 25, 2010

i'm still here. i guess

Hey everyone... I'm writing to you from Inga's house in Barcelona where I've decided to camp out for the week. What a friggin' gracious host. I have two days to kill here (in the sun, shouldn't be that hard) before Primavera Sound starts. Then it's three days of that before heading back to San Se where I get to couchsurf at someone else's place. (If you'd like to host me, you know how to get in contact. :) )

Hum de hum... it's also the time to start figuring out what the hell to do with my time off. This morning I wrote up a rough sketch of the places I could hit from June 15 to July 4, when I should be in Liberec for Lukas' wedding. (I assume I'm still invited... hehe.) It looks like it's going to be one of those hit-the-capitals trips, which is unfortunate but necessary due to time constraints. I'm thinking Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, with maybe a sidetrip to Berlin before heading to Prague. But this kind of depends on whether my friends in Slovenia, Hungary, Berlin and Poland can have me - if they can't, I'll have a bit more time freed up. So, let's see what they say.

Then from Prague I'll probably go back to Tel Aviv for a couple weeks, come back to Toronto around the 20th, and I have a flight from Toronto to Yellowknife on the 27th of July. Wheee. Thanks Air Canada seat sales for making my decisions easier. I guess I should get my major landmark flights booked and out of the way, and then I'll just fill in the time between Slovenia and Liberec however I see fit. Sounds like a plan? Sounds like a plan.

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