Friday, July 30, 2010

adventures in the 'knife

I find myself in sunny Yellowknife (notwithstanding intermittent rain). The sun seems barely to move, which makes it seem to me like time is not moving. It kinda seems like it starts to go down around 8 or 9, but by 10 or 11 it's still not down and I'm too tired to stay up longer. So no, I still have not experienced the midnight sun. For some reason I'm awake every day at 7:15 am. It feels strange to be tired when the sun hasn't set yet, but I manage to realize I'm tired anyway and drag myself to bed to read a few pages of Stardust before my eyes start closing. At this rate the book is going to take forever to finish.

So yesterday we went out on the boat (the "Vanessa Alyssa", not named by us) on Back Bay on the east side of Yellowknife. At one point we landed the boat on an outcrop of bare rock covered in seagulls, just because we're the kind of people that have to poke around. After nearly killing ourselves slipping on the algae-covered rock trying to climb onto the island (we left Mom and Bou on the boat), my brother, my dad and I walked around on the lichen-covered rock to the screams of the angry gulls. We checked out all the different garbage littered on the ground: fish spines, some 3cm-long bones, a jawbone with teeth, a little armbone with a clenched hand attached, a bird's head with beak, and three gulls lined up next to each other, picked clean - only wings and spiney bits left. Sorry I can't tell ya what sorts of animals those scary gulls have been eating. Except the dead gulls, that was quite obvious. Cannibals.

Anyhoo, one gull started dive-bombing us, and in my personal escape from its wrath I failed to clamber onto the boat appropriately and fell waist-deep into the water where I lodged my toes under some rocks. (Stupid algae.) I will add the picture of the blood toll the gull exacted from me a bit later. Oh, the violence! Not to complain, but last night my big toe hurt so much I had to get up and take some Advil. You may feel sorry for me now.

No other news, may try waterskiing at some point. May prove to be a waste of time, however. Nyem nyem nyem, over and out.

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