If you're curious about seeing my awesome motorcyclist friend, he appears 1:40 into the video.
In case you don't speak Spanish, or don't happen to know the particulars of the housing situation in Spain... I will share with you my extremely vague and faulty knowledge. (If he comes to visit in December I will get him to explain it better to me... the poor sod.) Basic problem: housing is expensive in Madrid. Lots of apartment buildings have been made, by people who were trying to make a lot of money, but they're too expensive for most people to live in; these buildings then stay empty while it remains difficult for lower-income individuals to find a decent place to live.
Rubén has been working for a while now with a group that aims to create affordable housing all over Spain. Their website is at www.viviendadigna.org . What they want to do is use tax dollars to create housing at a lower price, so that it would ultimately not cost more than 30% of someone's income. The prices he quoted for me were 30m2 for 200€, 60m2 for 400€/month. Now to see how that compares to Toronto...
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