Friday, August 6, 2010

Monterey or bust!

Laura's idiocy of the week: not making sure her papers were in order.

So back when I was in San Sebastian, I got some important papers from MIIS (my new university) proving that I was going to be attending their school in the fall. Admissions letter, scholarship letter, I-20 (proof that I've accepted the offer and can pay for going to school there). Without these documents I can't get into the States to live. So of course I packed these special documents away in a special place. . . and lost them.

The worst part is not that I lost the very important documents, but that I didn't notice until yesterday. I'm leaving tomorrow bright and early in the morning to drive down to Edmonton with my brother and his girlfriend. (We arrive in Edmonton on Saturday and I fly out from there; I should be in Monterey at 5pm or so.) Of course, being in Yellowknife means that it takes two days for any expedited delivery to arrive from the States. So there was no way the documents could arrive here in time for me to leave. Dammmn.

Coincidentally, however, my aunt that lives in Calgary was coming up to Edmonton this weekend, and Calgary just happens to be a major enough city for things to be able to arrive within a day. So. . . a lot of excitement happened yesterday, what with calling the school and asking them pretty please to send my documents to my aunt's address who would meet me in Edmonton on Saturday right before I flew out. My mom was not pleased, I can tell you that.

Lessons learned? Double-check shit. I thought I learned that when I missed the train from San Sebastian to Barcelona to meet my parents and had to arrange through text messages with Perki a flight that evening from Bilbao. . . all because I just didn't double-check the time of the train. Idiot. But I guess I didn't, because here I am again getting myself in a bad situation. (I know Janzen is just going to be rolling her eyes at this one.)

I swear, guys! I try! I don't know how I lose things! I don't know why really, really important things just slip my mind! All I want is to get to Monterey safely, and the good people at MIIS will take care of me from there.

Oh and good news - my future (in two days) roommate Amy found us (me, her and this guy Nick from Michigan) a house a block from campus. I am just going to be glad to have somewhere to dump my stuff. I'm tired of packing and re-packing. . . the time has come for a little rest.

Monterey or bust!


william McGinty said...

you made it!

Rebecca said...

hahahaha I just read this post. thanks for the shout-out.